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It has summoned several county officials from Nakuru, Bomet, and Baringo to record statements regarding suspected fraudulent activities that have led to the alleged loss of public funds. The officials are expected to appear before various regional offices of the EACC in the coming weeks over the irregularities.
Meanwhile, in Nakuru County, 14 officials have been ordered to present themselves at the EACC South Rift Regional Offices. This will be between September 2 and September 6, 2024, when the officials will record statements about the procurement deal valued at KSh 27 million to supply sports kits and equipment. The investigations hint at a contract given to firms associated with top county officials. In turn, the companies have been paid for poor quality equipment.
This, among other things, is contained in the August 23, 2024, letter from EACC, which expects them to cooperate as it investigates possible malpractices in the procurement. A prerequisite for their appearance is that they should attend with their original identity cards and certified copies of their letters of employment. It has also summoned 13 officials in Bomet County over the controversial misappropriation of KSh 373 million used to acquire road construction equipment in the Financial Year 2022/23.
An August 30, 2024 letter, addressed to the Bomet County Secretary, summoned them before the EACC on diverse dates running from September 9 to September 13, 2024. The accusations leveled against them stated that they had reportedly engaged in schemes that had the potential to cause the loss of substantial sums of money from public resources. Meanwhile, the leadership of the Baringo County Assembly risks being investigated over their reported involvement in the irregular payment of sitting allowances through the creation of extra Assembly Committees. EACC investigations indicate that Baringo County is suspected to have unlawfully created four extra committees and splitting two others, thereby bringing into existence six new committees in contravention of legal limits.
This is believed to have been a ploy to misuse public funds as members receive sitting allowances when such committees are formed.
It is further alleged that some Assembly officials drew subsistence allowances for meetings which were never held. The EACC has scheduled them to appear at the Nakuru offices on September 3 and 4, 2024, to record statements and explain their involvement in the alleged schemes. EACC has been stepping up its efforts to fight corruption in county governments to bring into the dock those it considers responsible for allegedly misappropriating public funds.
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